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Can't Leave
Nov 9, 2013
Im going to put a disclaimer and apologize for typos and such right away, im on my phone and miss a lot of them.
Not too terribly long ago, there were quite a few discussions on young pipers and what would happen to pipes in the future. Being a young piper myself (18), I resd quite a few of them. The general consensus was that piping was a trend among hipsters, and that the current resurgence of popularity of it would die out and the kids would move on. Quite a few of you believed that once the currently 40+ crowd passed on that piping would die with them, at least in North America.
I couldnt necesarily disagree, and came to terms that I might witness the end of piping before my days are done. But recently I have a lot of reason to believe otherwise. Not to get too sappy here, but while this topic was discussed, I had few friends. I moved a year ago and have been working nonstop since, i rarely keep in touch with my old buddies, so I had little information to contradict the theory. But last week I went back to my hometown for a whole week off and ran into all sorts of old buddies. Things have changed. Everybodys changed. Especially in how they act around me, now my older friends are unafraid to share with me their love of tobacco.
I know what youre thinking: cigarettes. Youre wrong! Only two old friends smoke. But nearly everybody I ran into? They all love cigars now, including an old friend who is a girl. The kicker? She prefers her pipe to cigars. I smoked my pipe a lot down there, got a lot of compliments, and discovered that many friends also enjoy the pipe, albeit less frequently than myself. More nights then not were spent catching up with friends over cigars or pipes. My friends who smoked cigars but not pipes started saying theyd like to try it, and seemed very genuine in their interest. I went down with a 10 pipe grab bag to give out to my piping fiends; and ended up giving all but three to new pipers!
And NONE of these people are hipsters. Theyre all good Montana boys and girls; they dont follow trends. Im telljng you guys, pipes and cigars are here to stay. He numbers are going to keep climbing. Its not leaving us yet. Be prepared for many pipers to come in the next generation. I just wanted to share my observations as a young piper, and Im happy to share that Im not the only one.



Jul 29, 2013
I'm 28, non-hipster Navy vet and I've gotten through my first year of pipe smoking. It's not going away for me at the point. I also have not seen anyone smoking a pipe anywhere I have been around my area. I'll be going to a pipe club meet up tonight though. My first time smoking with other people.



Dec 30, 2012
I would have to agree, most of the members of our pipe club, while not necessarily considered young, are in their late 30s and early 40s. I think its something that is here to stay as well.



Feb 21, 2013
The numbers of pipes around, being re-discovered in flea markets, attics, and on ebay, ensure that

a number of people will give pipe smoking a try, just as a lark. How things will sustain, or not, into

the future is anyone's guess. Right now, the pipe tobacco supply is various and high quality, if steeply

taxed. But it is a whale of a deal compared to cigars and nails. Montana may be cutting edge on this.
I'm way too "senior" to be a hipster. I was impressed with the "beats," (beatniks); of an age to be a

hippie, which is distinct from a hipster in time and habits, but was in a practical college curriculum

that required I move among adults, and then the Navy. In grad school I was in the arts but not

exactly hip, more hermit. Smoking a pipe was familial, through Dad and Grampa.



May 30, 2012
Yep, smoking cigars and now pipes for the last 3 years always put me in a different crowd. Usually a crowd of one.

Not many of my friends smoke now except for the few cig smokers.

I'm sure some smoke an occasional cigar but do not have any at home like I do. You guys are my only "friends" that do.

Jan 8, 2013
Now, if we can just stop the government from forcing an end to it during our time, things will be all right. Lol.



Can't Leave
Nov 9, 2013
Im sorry to hear it vorhees, but I relate. This was a short sweet time for me, Im back to being the only piper in the oilfields, maybe even in the whole state or North Dakota.
@cmdrbragg Excited for you! Smoking with fellow pipers is the greatest.

@mso: Tobacco prices in MT are much cheaper than elsewhere. Hipsters are a laughable excuse for this generstions Hippies. I may not have agreed with them, but I admire the Hippies passion. Hipsters do nothing about the problems they see but bitch.

@davidson All the people I got to see at home were under 25.

@fadingdaylight Haha good point.
I spent time at a little shop in nashville, and saw other guys my age buying baggies of baccy. It was very encouraging.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 30, 2013
Portland, OR
Hey @Bulletsnbriars, I'm a good ol' (former) Montana boy myself. Good to know pipes are alive and well there. What part of Montana you from?



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 31, 2013
I'm 27 and live in Missoula. I can't walk my dog through the park across the street without having a pipe fired up. I've seen a few different pipers there, too. So there are young pipe smokers in Montana, yes.
EDIT Had to edit my age because I got it wrong. Wow.



Can't Leave
May 31, 2013
I'm 28 and know of two others my age that smoke pipes. I only know 1 "older" guy that smokes pipes more than cigars.
Our local homebrew club has its own little cigar and pipe club mixed in. We meet before the main meeting starts and trade sticks and tobacco. A couple guys bring their grandfathers pipes to try tobacco but don't smoke them all the time.



Oct 15, 2013
I haven't seen a Portland hipster with a pipe yet.(or anyone else for that matter) It's a shame. A pipe would go really well with those pork pie hats.



Can't Leave
Mar 1, 2013
I'm 26 and have been smoking a pipe for about 5 years. I'm not really sure how long I've been a "pipe smoker" as I think that title is reserved for someone who knows what (s)he is doing. Maybe I've been a pipe smoker for about 2-3yrs now.
There's been alot of talk about the end of an era. I'm not sure I see it. Cigarettes are taxed how much now? And people still smoke. Sure, pipe tobacco might get more expensive, but I don't see it disappearing, or becoming so expensive that most people can't afford it.
Pipe tobacco is already RIDICULOUSLY affordable. How expensive would a 50g tin have to get before you would say "I don't think so"? We might just have to modify our spending habits. Actually smoke an entire tin all the way through before cracking open another one. Or only having a handful of open tins. Cellars might not be so big. Cellars might actually be the perfect size to last its owner's lifetime, rather than 2 or 3.
Anyway, I can see why some people are worried. Change is scary. More taxes and regulations are scary. But, change is inevitable. Those who don't adapt are lost. Unless you have a monstrous cellar. Then, you just stop stocking it due to the price increases and leave more for the rest of us :)



Might Stick Around
May 14, 2011
Good to see so many young guys on board. I am 32, been smoking since I was 23, and I do not consider pipe smoking to be a social thing on the east coast of Canada. I haven't seen another pipe smoker around here in over 5 years. Prohibitive pricing and abysmal selection have something to do with it, I'm sure. I carry on, anyway, though, and I will until I can't.

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