This is a fun video of traditional beekeepers. Note how they use pipe smoke. Especially starting at 35 seconds but really throughout the video.
Youtube Beekeeping With Pipes
Youtube Beekeeping With Pipes
WTH is going on at the 1:10 mark?
1925 - Bijenmarkt (Bee Market) Veenendaal, Netherlands
At the bee market in Veenendaal, Holland the principal buyers are the bee-farmers of the Veluwe, living near buckwheat fields and the heath. When the season is favorable, and the buckwheat gives honey (which it does not do always), the skeps may be filled in two or three weeks. In case they are entirely filled up with buckwheat honey they are emptied before the heath begins to flower. If not, the partly filled skeps are brought to the heath in order to be completed with honey of the heath. The latter crop being over, the bees are generally killed, and the bee-farmers await the next market to buy new swarms.
At the Annual Bee Market at Veenendaal, Holland, a hive of bees typically sold for around $3. Once a sale is made, the deal is concluded with ritualistic handshake, beekeeper and customer smack hands together hard, first in high position, then in lower, repeating.
I wonder who first built the box shaped hives.
That's not unique to California, most if not all states have similar statutes. It's not that a skep is illegal perse, it's that hives must have easily removable frames. This allows the bee keeper or apiary inspector to examine the colony and make sure the hive is healthy. American Foul Brood was the driver behind those laws if I recall correctly. Skeps are near impossible to thoroughly inspect and harvesting honey from them basically kills the colony."Those types of hives (skeps) aren't legal in California anymore."
Why on earth would skeps be banned in California :crazy:
They're one of the oldest kind of nest for bees......have been used for centuries.