Pipe/Tobacco Tattoo Ideas?

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Apr 5, 2012
United States
Hey all so I want to get my first tattoo on my birthday. (Ill be 19 on the 31st) I want to get something that either is religious or related to my love of tobacco and pipes. Any ideas? I'm thinking something small



Nov 24, 2012
I think the pipe idea would very very difficult to pull off. You may be safer with religious tats. If you are thinking of "praying hands", make sure your artist KNOWS how to do hands, most dont. Happy birthday on the 31st!



Jan 8, 2011
I think you should use the thread (link below) as inspiration. Remember you said something small and its pipe related. :rofl:



Can't Leave
Jul 29, 2012
Not sure what you should get for a tattoo, it is a very personal thing. I suggest you make sure of three things especially if it is your first one..........make sure the tattoo means something significant to you, think about placement, not everyone appreciates tattoos and make sure you have a very reputable and well liked artist do your tattoo.
Absolutely, under no conditions should you consider a "discount" tattoo.......you will likely regret it very soon.



Jul 27, 2012
Just for the heck of it, I just did this one in Illustrator and 'shopped it on a some unsuspecting arm I found on the 'net:

I have a tattoo and I don't have any regrets about getting it, at the same time I am not saying you should put this on your arm! :puffy:



Sep 7, 2011
Capac, Michigan
It's just when people say they are only doing it for themselves, as a reminder, memento, whatever, that it makes me roll my eyes. I'm not saying this is never the case, but in about 99% of the people, they're getting it because they want other people to see it, for various reasons,

I agree with that. Sometime they have meaning. A deceased family member/friend, important event, etc. But none of mine have any meaning. I got them simply because I liked the design and wanted a tattoo. One of mine is always covered, it is on my back. One is covered if I am wearing pants, as it is on the back of my calf. And the third is only covered when I wear long sleeves, as it is on my wrist.



Aug 30, 2011
Get whatever you want, for heaven's sake. It is for you, regardless of why you want it. If you live to regret it, c'est la vie, that's the beauty of youth.
Old farts have been telling the youth what to do since the beginning of old fartedness.



Jan 24, 2011
Happy Hunting Grounds
Tattoos aren't about being tough, so who knows where that came from up above.
Tattooing is an ancient art, and full of mystical and metaphysical meanings for most cultures.
People tattoo for a multitude of reasons. Personal identification, group or cultural identification, rite of passage, and so on.
I have had more people start more positive conversations with me regarding my ink that you would believe. Women seem particularly fascinated with ink, and not always from some desire to have sex with me or whatever. Women appreciate adornment on some primal level, I think.
In any case, don't get in a rush. Hire a quality artist, make an appointment on some day other than Friday or Saturday, and tip well because you are likely to be going back for another. I use the same artists over and over, depending on the style I am looking for. I find it best to take a rough sketch or picture idea to them, discuss with what i am trying to achieve, and let them work their ideas and artistic mind into it.



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 14, 2010
Small pipe related . Perhaps a 1/4 inch gate valve. Brass with a green handle would look AWESOME.



Nov 12, 2012
I am covered in tattoos, they are all very closely tied into my beliefs in God. I don't care if people see them or not, they are a reminder to me where I have been and where I am going. Take time in your decision, get one that means something to you.
Like someone mentioned already hire a good artist, that is respected. Remember with tattoos you get what you pay for.

I have a lot contacts with in the tattoo world if you would like PM me and I can give you some ideas of artists that would do a great job in your area.



Nov 23, 2012
Well if you want to get a tat, get a tat. Dont let other people tell you its a bad idea, or that people only do it to look cool. Dont get one thats hanging on a wall in a shop or in a book. Make one thats for you draw some idea's out on paper and take it in to a good artist not cheap one that all the little kids go to. A good artist will work with your ideas and try and make it what you want and a one off. All my tats are something I took in as an idea.



Apr 5, 2012
United States
Thanks guys, as far as placment goes it will either be slightly above my shoulder blades close to my neck line but low enough that a t shirt would cover it. Or on my upper arm/shoulder possibly chest an inner forearm/wrist. Religious wise I'm thinking of getting a small cross on my inner wrist or Luther's rose.

I really love the dans tobacco devils holiday artwork.. but I'm not sure where or how I could or if I would really like to incorporate it.

I plan on getting a small Aquarius tattoo as well not sure of placement. I really like the brother of the briar saying

Also Alaskan native by blood so I'm looking into designs by my tribe as well as looking at my English/Norwegian/irish heritige.

No matter what I get it will be in a place where it can be covered up



Sep 7, 2011
Capac, Michigan
possibly chest an inner forearm/wrist

I would go with something you can hide. I don't regret getting mine on my wrist, but if you are still planning on joining the military, I wouldn't. My cousin's husband is a Marine, and has full sleeves on both arms. She said he can only get to a certain rank because of this. Now I don't know if this would be the same for just a small tattoo, but it might. Just food for thought.

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