Freestanding, the gun-pipe is kind of novel and amusing. Once stuck in someone's mouth, the image is not pleasant. With zombie movies, hyper-violent video games, and death-cult paramilitaries out and about in the world, one more death-centric image leaves me none too pleased, I admit.
Looks very novel and can be a good conversation starter, but the 'stem' part of the 'revolver' does not seem comfortable for the hand to hold. Perhaps it is for 'gun-pointing' / 'smoke-feeding' a beginner pipe smoker with a single-hand-stand position.
It does remind me of another dangerous object design for pipes - Knife / Dagger (by Tom Eltang).
Such a pipe (together with other weird but beautiful designs such as 'Lamp' / 'Desk lamp' by Eltang) is probably out of my reach and out of my will to reach. So I can only refer to photos from Al Pascia.
With both of these two pipes, one is totally equipped to perform 'Sword swallowing' and 'Russian roulette' (pointing to one's mouth) to impress (or scare) the significant other or some other close friends.