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Feb 1, 2013
I recently have been listening to the podcast that pipe magazine puts out every Thursday and I must say that it is truly amazing. I am learning so much and pairing that along with the forum and all the nice people on here I can see why pipe smoking is such a fine and sought after experience. But after all this learning and experimenting its really making me want to go a pipe show, and I'm in luck! This may the pipe show is coming to Chicago like every year and it's not too far from the Woodfield area where I am. I really want to go considering its only $15 for the weekend. But I have some questions. Can an 18 year old like myself go to a pipe show and not be look down oppon? I'm affraid the experienced pipe smokers will consider me as a "kid" someone who will ruin the experience for everyone by being there. I really hope not. If the general pipe community is anything like it is on the fourm then I know it will be fine. But why should I expect? Also what goes on? Any good deals there? Can I buy tobaccoo? Any info would be great.
One more question. I'm catching up on the podcasts and stumbled on one where they talked about the stem of the pipe and cleaning it. Now it was said on the podcast to take off the stem and clean out the build up that could form around the connection point of the stem. But he said right after your smoke. Other people say not to do this because when the pipes hot and you remove the stem it will result in a bad fit? But he's a professional in the business! Any suggestions? Also he said that a black build up could for in the connection point making for a sour smoke at times and the light went off in my head because that happens to me then my tongue touches the bit it tastes sour. I looked and there is some black build up. Can I fix this? Any help is great help. Hope to get all my questions answered. Thanks in advance!

Jul 15, 2011
Youre in Woodfield, near Chicago? No kidding?! Get a map and look up the Interstate 55 area in and around Bloomington and Pontiac Illinois.



Oct 20, 2010
Howdy, last year I took my 18 year old son to the pipe show. He really enjoyed looking at the craftsmanship of the pipes, but has no interest in smoking.
There was also a small group of college students wearing tee shirts showing they were part of a pipe club. Therefore, assuming you are not acting immature, the general reaction is GREAT! We older guys are thrilled that the next generation is interested in pipes. We would love to have you join us.
I now need to log off and commute up to Rolling Meadows, across the street from your town. If you come to the pre-show on Friday, you can see me selling tampers. I will even give a sample of Shawn's new plug tobacco. That offer also applies to anyone else on the forum.



Sep 20, 2011
I'm no expert, but I suggest letting the pipe cool before removing the stem. Heat causes expansion, and pulling the stem out while the pipe is hot would seem like it could effect the fit between mortise and tenon, and possibly break the tenon. I use a pipe cleaner, folded in half, to clean out the mortise. And a paper towel to rub down the tenon. I don't do this after each smoke. But once in awhile. No real schedule. Maybe every half dozen smokes or so, basically whenever I detect an 'off' flavor. I'll use pipe cleaners in this manner until they come out clean.
Can't answer your question about shows as I've never been to one. But my experience is that the pipe smoking community is a pretty good bunch of guys. I think they would be very happy to see new blood in the hobby - particularly the vendors. Nobody wants the hobby to go extinct, so why not embrace young adults and support their journey?



May 11, 2012
go and enjoy.. back in the day, you could have enlisted and been enjoying Paris Island at 18. this may or may not apply but don't go with pants down to you knees or a t-shirt designed to offend or shock anyone.



Dec 12, 2012
It's been ages (decades!) since I attended a pipe show, but I started when I was your age. And I think you will be welcomed with open arms, especially if you're open about wanting to learn and to meet pipe folks. "Camaraderie" is the hallmark of pipesmokers, and I'd hope that this would be even more true at an event like this.
As for the stem issue. . . I'm very careful about this, but if I have a pipe that won't pass a pipe cleaner, then I have no problems with removing a stem immediately after finishing a bowl and then quickly running a pipe cleaner into the bowl and around the tenon. And then the stem goes back in as quickly as possible.
To be honest, though, a loose stem -- which *could* result if the pipe and stem are allowed to cool off at different rates -- is the easiest thing in the world to correct. You just have to warm the tenon a little bit over a match. It'll expand, and you'll be good to go.



Jul 31, 2010
Bethlehem, Pa.
To build on what doc said; good manners and a respectful nature are welcome everywhere. I started smoking a pipe when I was your age and was lucky enough to find a small B&M run by an older gent who took a liking to me and mentored me in the art. I was not a smart mouth kid and respected his advice.

I've never been to a pipe show but I imagine that they are pretty much like any trade show. Interesting products and vendors that will offer samples to attendees. I've been to enough of those where you have folks truly interested in the products and are thankful for give-aways and then there are the "sample whores" who try to grab as much free stuff as possible knowing they won't use any of it.

go and don't be afraid to ask questions about those things in which you are interested and say, "Thanks", for any samples offered to you. You'll find your pace and have a good time.



Dec 28, 2012
The entire future of pipe smoking depends on young smokers becoming part of the whole culture and endless journey, which people will never understand without a step down the road. With the Nazi regime pounding on every door, I’m sure you’ll be welcomed with open arms (metaphorically).



Mar 22, 2011
Two years ago at the Chicago show, I was sitting at a table in the smoking tent with some young guys in their 20s whom I had never met. They were complaining that "everyone" was smoking high end pipes. A friend of mine told them, "it's a pipe show, there are all kinds of pipes everywhere." One of the young guys said they just "knew" everyone was looking down on them because they were smoking cheap pipes, which seemed an unusual comment to me. They seemed to have a chip on their shoulder. But we included them in our conversation, they listened, asked questions and by the end of the evening they we were all fast friends.
The moral of the story is by all means go to the Chicago show! Listen, ask questions, and throw out your preconceived notions. I promise you, you'll be able to sit down at a table of complete strangers and if you introduce yourself and ask "what are you smoking?", you'll learn more in an afternoon than you will during a week lurking on a forum.



Jun 27, 2012
I am really hoping to drive up for this, only a major breakdown at work would keep me away. I can't wait.
Included a link below...



Feb 1, 2013
Not sure if anyone heard the 21st radio show that pipes magazine made but this post was mentioned on it. Hah, I thought that was pretty cool, I got the pipe show approval.



Feb 21, 2013
I'd say, sure go! Like any conversation between a younger person and older adults, you have to ask questions, be a good listener, and break

the ice to put the other person at ease. Younger folks have the advantage of being able to ask lots of questions, giving older folks a chance

to share their expertise. Come up with your own list of questions in mind. Learn a little about where the briar comes from that is used in

most pipes, other woods that may be used instead, various materials used for stems (the part you put in your mouth). Tobacco is a whole

subject in itself, and can provide a geography lesson. Where is Cyprus, or Jackson Parish, Louisiana for that matter? Don't believe everything

you hear. You might ask the same question of several experts, just not in earshot of each other. Learn the different shapes of pipes. Some

pipes fall within two or more shape categories. Meanwhile, you will be learning a little about retail sales and marketing shows. Chicago is

one of the biggest pipe shows in the country, so you'll really have a wide exposure. Collect a few business cards, learn a few names and faces,

and have a good time. Sounds reasonable to me.



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
I think in general most older pipe smokers enjoy imparting their years of knowledge on the younger generation. Without new blood, the industry will die so the new guy is very important. As said above if you come with the right attitude you will have a blast.
In terms of taking the stem off of a hot pipe, you need to be very careful and it is not something you want to do often. I always let my pipes cool over night and then clean them in the am.

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