I often see folks say a particular blend performs really well in a particular pipe shape. What has your experience been? Any rules of thumb (eg. english blends perform well in a larger bowl).
SameMoisture levels seem to be more important than chamber shape for me.
I’m still pretty new at this only smoking a pipe for a couple years, but this lines up with my experience so far also.I’ve pretty much smoked everything in everything and about the only thing I’ve noticed is that some blends seem to open up more in larger chambers. If a blend isn’t working for me in a mid sized chamber I’ll try it in a larger one and that seems to work. Conversely some blends concentrate more in smaller chambers.
I just try out a blend in different sizes when necessary.
Moisture levels seem to be more important than chamber shape for me.
Super helpful!Narrower bowls for most flakes, wider for English blends, as a rule of thumb. But my palate is apparently picky and particular pipes become preeminent for one blend or another.