Tinsel made a SeussIan poem in another thread. I've always been a sucker for rhyming. Anybody else feel a pipe rhyme coming on? Please share!!
I smoke my royal pipe in pain
My royal yacht in royal rain
I smoke a bowl to ease my grief
Drowning sorrow with tobacco leaf
The cherry gives a gentle glow
bathed in ash like gentle snow
The weight of smoke is easily measured
Leaf from ash the smoke is severed
Sit sober, thoughtful...in a smoke filled room
the bowl is empty, it's ending soon
to all good things an end must come
The bad things to, not all but some
I smoke my royal pipe in pain
My royal yacht in royal rain
I smoke a bowl to ease my grief
Drowning sorrow with tobacco leaf
The cherry gives a gentle glow
bathed in ash like gentle snow
The weight of smoke is easily measured
Leaf from ash the smoke is severed
Sit sober, thoughtful...in a smoke filled room
the bowl is empty, it's ending soon
to all good things an end must come
The bad things to, not all but some