Pipe reference in song

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Might Stick Around
Apr 24, 2022
Georgia, USA
So the number of guys who smoke pipes in the world who also participate on this English-language board who also who also know some Afrikaans who also like South African country music is probably very small, but regardless, here's a song called "Bosveldjag" I ran across on Youtube by a lad named Zander van Wyk. It starts out:

Oom Jaco steek sy pyp aan, (Uncle Jaco lights his pipe)
En die reuk van sy tabak is so mooi (and the aroma of his tobacco is so pleasant)
Die hout staan oor gepak (The wood sits there packed)
En die cooler so liggie klink so mooi (and the cooler so lightly klinks so prettily)
En op verder roep ‘n jakkals (and up further calls a jackal)
En hy dink hy roep sy nooi (and he thinks it calls its mate)
En die manne rond die kampvuur (and the men around the campfire)
Die vleis op die kole gooi (throw the meat on the coals)
Dis ‘n bosveld jag (it's a bushland hunt)
Met die manne wat so lekker lag (with the men that so heartily laugh)

It goes on to talk about shooting a kudu buck with big horns and biltong. Only song I've ever heard with a pipe reference in it. Although we never learn what Oom Jaco was smoking. Great song if you like that sort of thing with a bit of a boeremusiek sound to it. I've got no vested interest in promoting this fellow's career, but here is the link to check it out. "Bosveldjag"