Another great show!
I enjoyed the pipe parts because I've been trying to learn about this basket pipe I picked up from Ye Ole Tobacco Shop in Savannah, but I still can't find anything about it. I've had it for about 12 years and it's a great smoker! I believe it was purchased for $25. It's stamped President Edwards Italy 21.
Here's a link:
The Bruce Weaver interview was great. I loved listening to all of his stories, especially how he "caught the bug" from the Chicago workshop. I'm glad he talked about his sandblasting and staining because he always has nice blasting and coloring on his pipes.
When Bruce mentioned that he has no competitors, that statement just floored me. Then he explained why and I couldn't help but smile. The qualities that I find aesthetically pleasing in a pipe might be boring or too extreme to another person. Pipes are art - yes, they are a vessel to enjoy tobacco, but they're art that appeal to 4 of the 5 senses. Well...maybe all five, I like to listen to people talk about pipes too!
Edit - I meant to mention that the new audio software is nice! The levels are a good bit higher so I don't have to crank the car's audio.