I saw recently that you can get the articles from Pipe Magazine . Com on the Kindle eReader. Here in the UK it costs £0.99 a month to receive it. I wondered if any of that goes to supporting the magazine, or are Amazon just charging for the data?
Well.... Sounds interesting. Thinking it might make for some good reading while I am on the plane, etc. I just signed up for the free 2 week trial. Being sent to my Kindle as we speak... I will check it out tomorrow and report back....
I know you can get the content for free on the web, but as I often read my Kindle when smoking a pipe. It's handy to have it on there so I can read the latest pipe related articles while sitting outside enjoying a bowl. Also, assuming Kevin gets something from the deal, I'm happy to support the site as I enjoy the magazine and forum.
Yes, the site gets a share of the revenue from Amazon. I don't remember how much, but I think in a few months I was able to buy a cup of coffee. Keep in mind that what you receive is the content from the main part of the site, which would be the articles found in the main RSS feed, which is what Amazon pulls from -
Thanks for clearing that up Kevin. As long as you get some of the money they make out of the deal! I do find it an easy way to read the articles so will keep my subscription going.