I'm looking to pick one out of the following, and would like some opinions on the brand, they are all approximately the same size and shape:
Savoy gold, Britannia, Bjarne, Duca Carlo, and the most expensive but probably the nicest is a Savinelli Tevere at $80. I'm fairly certain that I would like the Savinelli but would also like to save a few bucks. Also I do realize most of this will be opinions, but I'd like to hear you're thoughts on my dilemma.
Savoy gold, Britannia, Bjarne, Duca Carlo, and the most expensive but probably the nicest is a Savinelli Tevere at $80. I'm fairly certain that I would like the Savinelli but would also like to save a few bucks. Also I do realize most of this will be opinions, but I'd like to hear you're thoughts on my dilemma.