The big thing here is something every man should understand.
The fact is because women are so critical on all things they think we see a woman that is attractive, and now critically compare her to the picture. While men are so compartmentalized that it is the fartherest thing from our mind, until she places the thought there through communicating the comparison too the man.
Men are hard wired to look at women . When we do we always look for what is attractive about her. But we are hard wire to find what is aesthetically pleasing in all things. Beautiful car, deer, fish, dog, or what ever , and this includes women too. Men can be turned away from a woman who other may think attractive through actions and events that cause us to find her unattractive.
But most women we will tend to find something attractive about her, and the attractive feature will have nothing to do with anyother woman or what she has or does nt have in attractive features.