Our Featured Interview tonight is with pipe artisan J.T. Cooke. Brian calls him "The Master Blaster" as he is well-known for the amazing, unique style of sandblasting that he does. (Listen closely, and you'll find out what the "T" stands for.
One of these days I am going to publish in the KC newsletter an article JT wrote along with his then wife on pipe making that was published in the 1990 Summer issue of the Compleat Smoker.
That was a great listen. Thanks. It was great to hear him talk about having to adjust from a quantity to quality mind set when he started to make pipes on his own. It was also interesting to hear about the engineering that goes into making the perfect pipe. Very cool! I'm a new pipe smoker but I look forward to supporting local pipe makers when I start my collection in earnest.
Great podcasts Brian, I have finely caught up to the weekly shows and it's hard to wait a whole week to hear the new ones. I was a daily listener and my 30 minute commute was great as I would listen to the first 1/2 hour on my way in to work and the second half on my way home. It's also cool to hear the sound quality getting better from the early shows. Thanks so much for bringing these great guests to our radios...