I changed my mind and decided to shame myself by posting pics of a couple of my pipes, but don't know how and don't have photobucket. I'll have to look into that.
Hi Roth-
I'm just really hard on my pipes, and I guess I always saw oldtimers that were, also. Dropped my favorite pipe into the ocean once while fishing. Luckily it floats. Some of the cake fluffed off, but rested her for a week and smoked it a bunch and before long she was good again. I've dropped my pipes a few times on the sidewalk. Actually, I'm hard on everything I own....my truck....my toys...but I love to smoke my pipes, and I look at it as building "character"! I just don't really treasure anything based on it's looks- I'm all about function with everything...keeps me sane. But, I totally understand, and that's why I will never buy a really expensive beautiful pipe, car, truck, knife or gun. Too hard on stuff to care about a scratch here or there. As long as it smokes good, drives good, is sharp, and shoots straight, I love it and it's priceless to me dings and all. I think my wife feels the same way about me!