I've got over 100 Petes (I'm afraid to count 'em, SWMBO might figger out how many I've really got). I smoke Byzantium, Yale Mixture, Bayou Night, and Star Of The East almost exclusively. I've not found Petes any harder to break in than other brands over the past 50 years. On a new pipe I just start out with 1/2 of a bowlfull for the first two or three loads and then go to a full bowl. I do find that the lacquer finishes (especially the smooth Kinsales!!!!) do burn consistently hotter and are harder to break in (not so with rusticated Kinsales). I also discovered long ago that for me aromatic blends burn hotter than non-aromatics, regardless of the pipe brand.
For years, I've used a mix of honey disolved in Everclear as a bowl wipe/dressing (INSIDE THE TOBACCO CHAMBER ONLY, OK?) before the first smoke, and then following the next 3 or 4 bowlfuls. I dissolve the honey in the Everclear at a ratio of about 2 tablespoons of pure (no syrup/sugar added) honey to 750 ml of Everclear. When you have about 1/2 tateaspoon of honey in the bottle that won't dissolve the mix is right. Bear in mind that: a. this stuff is 95 per cent pure ETOH and will damage the exterior bowl finish; b. it is highly volatile and evaporates quickly so keep the bottle tightly closed when not in use; and c. IT IS HIGHLY FLAMMABLE!!! no open flames while mixing, or applying, and don't try to smoke the pipe for at least four hours after the ETOH has completely evaporated (you ambulance chasers can go back to sleep now, LOL!). To use: a. remove the stem; b. insert a wide pipe cleaner in the air hole; c. pour about 5 drops of the mix inside the bowl; d. swab the air hole (not the mortise; and (finally) e. use the pipe cleaner to spread the mix all around the tobacco chamber. The objective is to wet the entire tobacco chamber. I've never heard of anyone else using this method, but I'm sure that I'm not the only guy who has figured it out. By-the-bye, this works better than the salt and ETOH (aka: the Doctor's Method?)on pipes that have silver mounts and have become fouled with tar/gunk. In my experience the salt seems to vastly enhance silver oxidation. Oh, yeah, If no one else has ever used the honey/Everclear system I hereby claim it under the title of 10piper's method- can I patent it? LMAO!!!! Hope the above ramblings may help.....