It's my yearly tradition to get one of these every year, and usually about this time someone has a sneak peak. Sparrowhawks recent thread on the Christmas Pipes reminded me to look and sure enough, Tobaccopipes has a sneak peak on their website. I'm kind of up in the air with these, I was kind of hoping they'd go a different route with color this upcoming year. Two of the last three years they used green, and I'm not a huge fan of the stems they're using on these. Not that I don't like the green, but two out of the last three is a bit much I think.As you can see it's basically the same set up as this years Christmas pipes, but smooth and green with a yellow stem. I'm not a huge fan, but not being one to break tradition, I'll probably order one anyway, and it wouldn't be the first time I wasn't initially thrilled with the style they chose. I still ended up being happy with my pipe when I got it. It appears, however, that once again they left out my beloved XL90. I'm still a bit perturbed with Peterson dropping that one from the lineup a couple years ago, ruining that part of my tradition. But it forced me to try other shapes that I ended up liking. So, thanks Peterson... I think. Looks like I'll be flipping a coin between another 999 or 106 this upcoming year. Well here they are.....