Next trip, possibly this spring, I'll look up the "Emporium." Thank you for the tip!
I've tried others. Guinness is still the choice in the "West." When traveling I do as the locals do and am not usually disappointed. It's very satisfying sitting at the bar with a peat cutter, a couple of farmers, or what have you solving the problems of the world. It's usually done with Guiness but, most anything will do when the tongues are loose.
I once shared a few furtive sips of whiskey with an ostracized member of the Joyce family on a bench in the park near "Shop Street" in Galway City. Fascinating afternoon, that. He had some tales to tell, some might have been true, all had a ring of truth. I wish I had had a tape recorder with me. Diarmet, a friend in Roundstone, told me that the gent was "the real thing." Said I was lucky to find him more or less lucid.