This is really a great pipe and a great shape. It is sort of half-way between apple and author. It feels perfect in the hand and clenched in the teeth. I have smoked about 15 bowls of Wilderness (awesome stuff)in this and I love it.
I have the polished ebony version of this Killarney in a bent brandy B11. It is a great dress pipe, whether you're "dressed" or not! I have the Peterson author in a rusticated version. I really like your pipe, compact elegance.
It occurs to me that most places I have or could have worn a tux haven't been places I could smoke. It would be, like, an outdoor wedding, although most weddings these days either don't include formal wear, or only for the wedding party. Still, I have the pipe, if needed! My wife gave me a vintage smoking jacket, so at home, I can wear that and smoke my dress pipe.