I'm just looking out for my pipe smoking brothers, Tygh. No offense intended. It was the difference in wording between your post here, and on Ebay, where I stumbled upon the same very pipe quite by accident while browsing. It piqued my curiosity and raised my suspicion, again meaning no offense, as unfortunately there are some dishonest individuals who may indeed copy photos off of Ebay or a retail site, and repost them elsewhere with intent to sell a pipe they don't actually own, only to disappear from the forums. Again, no offense intended, but it is unfortunate that there are people like that in this world.
Ok... that being said. As a lover of both Petersons and freehands, I find that pipe beautiful, and one I personally would buy in a heartbeat if I had the funds, which unfortunately at this time I do not. But I did put you on my Follow list on Ebay in case something pops up in the future that I'm able to purchase.
If it were the other way around, I would expect someone to ask me the same question.