PC Hearth and Home Pipes -- Kaywoodies?

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Feb 21, 2013
Just a curiosity as I'm not in the market right now. The pipe show here is next month. But I have wondered, are the PC Hearth and Home pipe sourced from Kaywoodie? I know cross-branding of house pipes is closely held, to keep pipe sources from competing too directly with themselves. But I believe I have heard that these PC pipes are made by Kaywoodie. Since I don't see that many new Kaywoodie pipes offered at major online retailers, I wondered if these were made by them. I believe I heard that mentioned by someone on Forums, but it was just stated in passing. Can anyone confirm this?



Can't Leave
Mar 18, 2014
I think I recall reading this as well on the forums, but not sure when or where.
I'm thinking of picking one up myself - I'm kind of hesitant though due to reports of P&C shipping craziness still from their software change.



Can't Leave
Mar 18, 2014
Flexing my Google kung-fu, there are indeed ruminations on a variety of websites that the H&H Signatures are quite possibly rebranded Kaywoodies using the POY shapes. Russ, of course, is not able to disclose for certain due to contractual agreement, which is understandable.
The quality seems to be alright, not on the level of a handmade, but decent.
I remain interested. I might just go ahead, as I'd also like to try the match of Sugar Barrel ("Sweet Casket.")
If anyone could confirm for me if they are still having shipping issues or not, that'd be cool?



Can't Leave
May 10, 2014
I placed an order from P and C a week ago for some Edgeworth RR Match, Chatham Manor, and Prince Andrew. It shipped the same day.
I also think the H and H Signature series pipes look very much like Kaywoodies. They are US made which limits the field of what else they could be.
I'd snatch them up if you want them, as I'm not sure of the current status of Kaywoodie: WV Smokeshop used to get frequent new supplies of the Kaywoodie lines, but now is mostly sold out, with no new stock for months.

Oct 7, 2016
Who else but S. M. Frank could be making them ?
The stock situation at WV Smokeshop might have changed for the better.



Feb 13, 2015
I love WV Smokeshop! Great prices and great service as well. I know we have several photographers on the forum; can anyone tell me why every smooth pipe on WV's website looks like a panelled pipe? It's kind of bizarre.



Feb 21, 2013
They look handsome and well-made. I'm glad a higher end Kaywoodie is still on the market.

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