Most pipes smokers need to park their pipe from time to time. Don't want to
navigate the pipe through some activity or another. The best improvised
pipe stand I use is a small ceramic dish or bowl. The size has to accommodate
the bowl of most or all your pipes, so the bit can hang over the edge. The
ceramic aspect makes it somewhat fire resistant, and when not in use, it simply
looks decorative, not like a pipe accessory. Nothing against a regular pipe stand,
or nice pipe ash tray, but for those places where this might work better, it fills
the bill.
navigate the pipe through some activity or another. The best improvised
pipe stand I use is a small ceramic dish or bowl. The size has to accommodate
the bowl of most or all your pipes, so the bit can hang over the edge. The
ceramic aspect makes it somewhat fire resistant, and when not in use, it simply
looks decorative, not like a pipe accessory. Nothing against a regular pipe stand,
or nice pipe ash tray, but for those places where this might work better, it fills
the bill.