PAD Strikes Again...Arrggggh...

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Can't Leave
Jun 15, 2018
Hi all,
Well, it got me again. The PAD is strong in this one...
Anyway, thought I'd post a pic of my newest acquisition. It's another Radice pipe. I LOVE my Rind Pure, and I've been interested in bog oak for a long time, so when I saw this Sandblasted Morta Bent Billiard.....
The folks at SPC were unbelievably helpful in checking out the pipe, the drilling of the draft hole, the finish, etc while I chatted with them, and even sent me real time photos of all of the particulars.
In any case, it should arrive Thursday. It's very dark morta with a light olive Vulcanite bit...and here it is:

Can't wait to see this fascinating device in person....



Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 24, 2018
Is it talk like a pirate day matey , arrrgghh
I must have missed the email , ARrrrrr



Oct 14, 2014
That’s awesome! My favorite stem color. It’s a bit like baby puke or a really oxidized stem, but I love it all the same.If this is your first Morta pipe know that it’s a good bit different than briar. Depending on provenance it may add a murky, peaty flavor that will fade with break in. Otherwise, it’s like other mineral pipes. Keep the airway dry and you can smoke it all day. Enjoy!

May 3, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
I've gone kinda hog wild with PAD this year. Every time I go, "Okay, this is the LAST one I'll buy until the West Coast Show.", SmokinPipes has an update with something I just HAVE to have.
Hope it's a great smoker for ya!



Feb 21, 2013
Classy Redice, I like the traditional design and its flow. I just received my natural finish (unfinished) Peterson from PC, speaking of PAD. Great zulu shape and a nice piece of briar, no pits or fills. The bit is narrow, but it is a light weight pipe, so I expect good use from it.

Jan 8, 2013
Is it talk like a pirate day matey , arrrgghh
I must have missed the email , ARrrrrr
It's September 19th. A few of us are really looking forward to it. That being said, a few of us look for any reason to do it any day :mrgreen: 'cause we be a bunch o' crazy, dirty, rotten, scallywags who live fer trouble. Yaarrrrr!!!

Jul 28, 2016
Congrats on Your new achievement Sir and speaking of customer service , they're second to none,very professional crew which is the main reason why I will keep doing business with them further on, they really do know their job,

should the customer ask them to inspect the pipe in question they do execute a close-up inspection and not only pretend to do so,I find this very relieving and helpful especially If You're buying them pipes from overseas)

May 9, 2018
Raleigh, NC
That's a very good looking pipe there, CW. I know the feeling. I'm about to embark on a journey to my wife's hometown in Iowa this weekend and I have it planned out to stop by no less than 3 tobacconists along the trip out and back.....I'm in search of at least one pipe, but good lord knows how many I'm going to lay eyes on and want...



Can't Leave
Jun 15, 2018
Received the Radice Bent Billiard morta today, what a gorgeous pipe. Almost jet black, with an olive cream/drab bit...for it's inaugural smoke I chose Dunhill Navy Rolls, to see what the pipe tasted like. I'm currently smoking it in its first smoke as I type this....Yes, the pipe does seem to heat up a bit more than my briars, but the smoke is curiously much cooler...perhaps the pipe acts as a radiator. The flavors of the navy rolls are very apparent, and there is no added taste from the pipe. Radice chose to provide this pipe with a coated bowl, so that this might have something to do with the lack of a "peaty" taste added to the VaPer (actually chose a VaPer to see if I would detect a peaty/smoky taste from the pipe.....I'm guessing the coating prevents that? In any case, this pipe is wonderfully balanced, smokes like a dream, and the tactile sensation of holding such an ancient petrified oak pipe in my hand is wonderful.
Here's a couple of pics of the pipe loaded and smoking Dunhill Navy Rolls....note the pipe bit to protect the vulcanite.


Lemme know what you think!



Mar 13, 2018
SC Piedmont
I haven't made up my mind about mortas -- do I like 'em or hate 'em, or just DGAS, y'know? I've seen some that I found appealing but haven't pulled trigger on one yet. I know a lot of folks do love 'em, tho.



Jun 6, 2017
Mine's a bit of a "novelty" smoke, so far.
I definitely reserve it for when I'm not in a hurry and can work on keeping the cadence down. Being a tall, thin, stack of sorts, with thin walls, I can fit a lot of flake in there and, sipping, it takes a couple of hours.
Couple that with sitting it down to cool a few times and it can be an evening affair. I'd be interested in trying a shorter, fatter morta with thicker walls some day.
Put it this way, the last time I loaded it up, it took the entirety of one of the LOTR films to finish it.


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