What's worked for me all these yrs. is Brebbia or Dunhill stem polish, a small piece of folder paper towel, and GET TO WORK. Along came Walker Briar Work Pipe stem deoxidizer / cleaner which I find is the same as Brebbia polish. Then I've got the micro-mesh pads, from 1500 to 12,000. More scrubbing. Tried tooth paste. Baking Soda. Oxyclean. Goo Gone. Then I've got ... let's count em ... Twelve bottles of Obsidian Oil. Need I go on? I just wanna smoke my pipes. It's enough to make sure they're properly maintained and cleaned with cleaners, Q-tips & Ever Clear. No doubt, I've got the cleanest rack 'o pipes this side of the Mississippi. Got to, as I pipe 4 to 8 bowls a day of nature's finest. But I'll be damned if I'm gonna get on my hands and knees, and scrub the deck like a galley slave! To the lucky land of Lucite here I come. And while I'm at it, aren't those black stems a bit of a bore to look at? I mean they all look the same, right? What's up with that? Take a peeksie over at exoticblanks.com and you'll never look back. Then you find a Master Artisan who can carve you a pair of fine stems over the weekend, for a fair price, while you're still waiting months for another Artiste to carve you a pair for many times more coin ... Why, like all else, it pays to shop around. I can recommend Floyd Norwood as the best pipe repairman and stem carver on this planet. Bar none. Net result? A beautiful pipe, with a maintenance free stem. Now you can focus on the driving rather than the oil change. Had a friend who drove and swore by the MG ragtop. Car spent more time in the garage than on the road, but that's a topic for another thread.