I got a tin of DSK date code 151305 to try out and upon opening the tin I noticed a smokey raisin taste to it. My first thought was it's going to be a sweet tasting tobacco. I let my wife smell it as well and she confirmed my initial smell thoughts. Pulling out a flake I noticed that it had just the right amount of moisture or so I thought. I prepped it the first time by fold and stuff method putting some crumbs on top for kindling. When I went for the charring light some of the sweet raisin taste was there mildly. I then let the bowl rest for a few minutes and did my true light and man this flake is good. The mix of Kentuckys and Virginias were very well played throughout the bowl and as I progressed through the first third the underlying sweetness with the smokieness was very pleasing. The room note was one my wife not only could withstand but she actually enjoyed it the whole time. As I got closer to the bottom of the bowl it had a creamy flavor but reminded me of something like I would drink sitting around a campfire. DSK is one flake I would recommend.