Just get my head spinning after a medium bowlfull of Mc Clellands delicious Classic Samsun blend,(empty stomach,no drink nor food)and started wondering if main oriental tobaccos tend to contain lots of nicotine,,any thoughts on this subject?
I haven't done a lot of comparison, but I don't associate Orientals or blends with it as particularly high nic, more mild to medium. But that's just my experience.
Oriental tobaccos contain low levels of nicotine but when you start blending with other tobaccos and adding casing (that changes the pH) all bets are off.
Well Thank you dear Gentlemen for your thoughts,me also has been informed as a rule so called Orientals are considered as low in nicotine, and Mr Kanse,I think your statement is more than right,I might be that they call a paper belly' :lol:
I agree that they tend to be lower on the nicotine scale. I have also found that no food or drink will give me a nicotine headache or spins on a tobacco that I normally don't have an issue with when not hungry. Lastly, enough beer and pipe smoking can really increase the effects.
I do not like high nicotine tobacco at all and one of my favorite tobaccos is Classic Samsun due to what I feel is its low nicotine content. Occasionally the individual's body chemistry just does not match up with a certain tobacco for some mysterious reason.