Just a reminder for anyone who will be in the Central North Carolina area Saturday (April 11) that the TAPS pipe show is going on at the Fairgrounds from 9 to 4:30, with tobacconists, carvers, pipe retailers, and other pipe related items. Last night as we were having a light supper to balance a fairly robust lunch, a hefty filling dropped off one of my upper molars, so off I went to the dentist this morning. No root canal required, but a crown was needed, so he put in a temporary and will install the permanent one toward the end of the month. The whole experience was painless, as not all of my dental troubles have been. So hurrah for that. Looks like my pipe show will involve picking up some discount pipe cleaners, a tin or two of 'baccy, and as much opinion and pipe gossip as I can absorb. Still, it is always fun, and I am not exactly hurting for pipes. Maybe I'll see some of you there. (The North Carolina State Fairgrounds are in Raleigh at the corner of Hillsborough and Blue Ridge Road on the west side of town.)