Here we go again with my latest crazy pipe transformation. I just can't help myself I guess. First it was the Dunhill Cob, and now an Ashton Pebble Grain Cob. Picked up the shank and stem on eBay for $20 from a pipe that had a badly burned out bowl, then I ordered a new MM Mark Twain. This project was quite a bit harder than the Dunhill as the shank on the Ashton was very thick, and even though I bought a straight Mark Twain, it ended up with the bowl having a slight rearward cant, or the stem with an upward tilt like a bent pipe would have. I toyed with bending the stem a little, but I figured I could always do it later. Oh well, after a while I get tired of fussing with it, and just go ahead and glue it up. It's not like it's worth all that much, and I have issues with delayed gratification. Sorry if this offends any Ashton owners... :lol: