So yesterday was my first time with the Radice pipe, which was also my first time with a filter-less pipe. Maybe I need the filter, maybe I don’t, but I know that I need to get used to it. This time also was my first time smoking through a bowl so thoroughly, and this bowl is the biggest I have. Towards the end, I suddenly felt the “nic-kick”. Dear god, it felt awful. I hated the feeling. Thankfully, it was about time for me to head to bed, but I still had a bunch of stuff to pack up – more time between me and hitting the sack. I headed out into the cold and my head cleared up a bit, but when I got back to my room, the feeling returned. I lied down in bed and fell asleep, a great relief. After this experience, I wonder, is pipe-smoking really for me? I consider myself an athlete, having swum for twelve years since I was eight, participating on the swim team, before and during high school and college. I’m also an avid road biker and runner and I enjoy triathlons. When I really think about it, smoking a pipe seems to completely go against my love for sports. A good long bike ride or run might serve the same relaxation purpose, and is healthier to boot…
Maybe I need to think more deeply about this. Heh, and I’m thinking all this AFTER I get a Radice. I guess this is my own issue and I need to really consider this based on my own values, but do you all have any input? Maybe I should meet up somewhere in the middle and do 3 bowls or so a week.
My “nic-kick” experience has me worrying about nicotine dependence too. Any good nicotine-low blends you guys recommend?
Oh, good news. Several days ago, when I picked out that Savinelli Tortuga 127 Rusticated, I was too excited to realize the crack in the shank. Well, they called me back today and said that they would replace it for me. Very nice! Of course, the doubting nature in me wonders if the pipe will be of same value, and if it isn’t (less), I’ll see if I can nab some free tins of tobacco P).
Maybe I need to think more deeply about this. Heh, and I’m thinking all this AFTER I get a Radice. I guess this is my own issue and I need to really consider this based on my own values, but do you all have any input? Maybe I should meet up somewhere in the middle and do 3 bowls or so a week.
My “nic-kick” experience has me worrying about nicotine dependence too. Any good nicotine-low blends you guys recommend?
Oh, good news. Several days ago, when I picked out that Savinelli Tortuga 127 Rusticated, I was too excited to realize the crack in the shank. Well, they called me back today and said that they would replace it for me. Very nice! Of course, the doubting nature in me wonders if the pipe will be of same value, and if it isn’t (less), I’ll see if I can nab some free tins of tobacco P).