I take it you have never encountered what is known as flake tobacco? The tobacco is combined and then pressed into a brick to make what is called a plug. The plug is then sliced into strips called flakes. You can smoke it in whatever way you can get it into your pipe. Roll it up and stuff it in your pipe, or partly rub it out into coarse chunks, or rub it all the way out to make it sort of resemble shag or ribbon cut. I sometimes cut the flakes length wise and width wise to produce smaller flakes or cubes and gravity feed the pipe. There are a bunch of videos and posts here on the subject.
And yeah you are right, 1792 is seriously strong. Haddos is strong, but 1792 is friggin' potent! Puff slow and be prepared to put the pipe down now and then. I love the stuff but have to smoke small bowls or half bowls due to its nicotine strength.