I hope we find out what happened to
the 4th Generation line of blends he was to come out with.
Also, if they are being produced in Denmark, then by whom, Mac Baren or STG/Villiger-Stokkebye?
If the latter, then did he leave STG on "good terms"?
Does he view the Newminster brand as competition directed against the old Stokkebye product line?
The flavors and cuts of this new product line (by Mac Baren) appear to clone Stokkebye's bulk offerings.
Does it even matter now?
Lot's of stuff here to clear up.
I hope this interview goes into more depth than that of McClelland's Mary McNiel. All I took from that was she did some of the art work on their tins! Not her fault, of course. If you don't ask the right questions, you'll get a shallow interview from even the likes of Winston Churchill! :lol: