As far as choosing pipes goes, this one was actually a second choice to a stunning Nording grade 14 that got away from me on Ebay... but you win some you lose some. However, this grade 15 is absolutely lovely in shape, feel, style, and (so far.. first smoke in progress) smokability. I've had a passion for nording high grades ever since forum member Peck gifted me a 13 some time ago, and every time I purchase a new one, I think of his generosity and I am thankful.
With this pipe now in hand, I am truly pleased that I purchased it. The warm coloring of the stain, and the stem adornment just breathe relaxation to me. And after the day I had at work today, coming home to this and giving it it's maiden smoke is true therapy. And so far, it's smoking quite well. I cracked open a fresh tin of Cornell & Diehl's Autumn Evening for the first smoke, and everything about it is delightful.
With this pipe now in hand, I am truly pleased that I purchased it. The warm coloring of the stain, and the stem adornment just breathe relaxation to me. And after the day I had at work today, coming home to this and giving it it's maiden smoke is true therapy. And so far, it's smoking quite well. I cracked open a fresh tin of Cornell & Diehl's Autumn Evening for the first smoke, and everything about it is delightful.