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Might Stick Around
Mar 29, 2011
Exactly one month ago, I was walking through a local park and smelled a delicious smell that immediately took me to my grandfather's workshop and being told I wasn't wasn't man enough to touch the tools yet :lol:.

I did what any self respecting generation Y member does and high tailed it home, fired up the google and typed everything had has the word pipe in the search box, how to smoke one, what kind to get etc etc.

After soaking in all the information my brain could handle, unfortunately without finding this fine site :oops:, I made my decision and ran to the local B&M to pick up my new MM Cob because after all, I'm coming from 11 year cigarette habit, I might not like it, unfamiliarity with pipe techniques would most definitely cause a blow out.

Walk in and head to the bulk tobacco and grab a 2oz bag of Cherry Cordial (because every one likes cherry right?) and head to the mountains of pipes on the wall. Reach for the MM legend and my brain immediately blue screens and the only thought I can think of is "Do I want to live in Alabama and be seen smoking a Cob everywhere I go!" I grab a Calabresi Bent Apple that catches my eye, inspect it, and the friendly gent behind the counter answers all my questions and I head to the house.

Long story short, 2 Cobs, 2 Petersons, an extremely lighter wallet, and a week long fried tongue due to overindulgence and pallet overload, I find myself with that giddy smile of ....contentment?? calm?? "input your own adjective". I post here because after trying to explain this to my fiance and RL friends, I think this is where it will be understood.
Thanks for the stories, comradery, and the general ......"input your own adjective"



Oct 20, 2010
Dude! You really started big! Welcome aboard. Some here would say that it is cheaper to make your own pipes, unless you count the tens then hundreds then thousands of dollars in tools.



Jul 31, 2010
Bethlehem, Pa.
Welcome to The Brotherhood. You have embarked on an enjoyable and interesting hobby. There is a lot of expertise on this forum so fire up and fire away.



Smoking a Pipe Right Now
Staff member
Nov 16, 2008
St. Petersburg, FL
Ha ha Scott! It sounds similar to my start, albeit back in 1998. I think probably more than half the people have a similar experience with their first week of pipe smoking.
I'm glad you found us and joined up. Welcome!



Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 21, 2010
Welcome aboard fellow Alabamian! Sounds like you jumped right in the pipe smoking waters and are enjoying it. Once you get your groove right, your tongue will toughen up and all will be bliss.
If you ever get down to the Magic City, come by The Briary in Homewood, and we'll have a smoke or two.



Jul 13, 2010
I don't think my tongue has "toughened up" I don't seem to get tongue bite like other people do. Maybe it's the chemistry of my body or I've already seared my tongue on coffee over the years, but I just don't seem to end up with a fried tongue. Or maybe I'm not smoking the quantities that you guys are... Congrats on the intro to the pipe-world. You've a long and satisfying ride ahead of you.



Nov 19, 2009
Chicago, IL
:laughat: Consider that stinging tongue part of the rite of passage into the brotherhood.

(I contend that noob's get it from smoking aromatics, but many disagree.)



Dec 14, 2009
Birmingham, AL
If you ever get down to the Magic City, come by The Briary in Homewood, and we'll have a smoke or two.
I might say: "If you find yourself in the shadow of the Moon over Homewood, come by The Briary in Homewood, and we'll have a smoke or two.




Mar 9, 2010
It's a major addiction. (says the guy with something like 300 pipes) .Have fun and just seek the enjoyment.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 20, 2011
Consider that stinging tongue part of the rite of passage into the brotherhood.
hahaha we all, or I really should say most of us, have gone through the ceremonial event :rofl:



Mar 22, 2011
Edgewood Texas
My friend, welcome to the most well kept secret in the modern world; the pleasure of pipe smoking.

Sure any Tom Dick and Harry, of legal age, could buy all the pipes and tobacco their wallet and willpower will allow.

But they wantonly and willfully ignore that pouch of Sir Walter Raleigh waiting quietly and patiently on the bottom shelf, and go straight for the Marlboros, day after day after day.

Like Francisco de Coronado, who marched past billions in silver veins, in search of a mythical city made of gold, they neither know or care what they are missing along the way.

But you my friend, you are different.

Not like the masses, now you too know the secret, and we are here to enable,er, help you along the way.



Jul 13, 2010
Welcome to this fine world of tobacco, pipes and a ton of info here. Enjoy a pipe or two here while you make your way thru the many spots on here where you'll wonder where the time went.



Apr 14, 2011
The story sounds exactly like what happened to me; except I got into cigar about 3 years ago, and my cigar shop was actually more of a pipe shop.
I just never took much noticed,aside from some pipes pricing up to over $600 and noticing that I could buy the pipe tobacco in as little as a gram at a time.
Then one day last spring while at my inlaws I was rummaging through their junk room and came across and old barely used Brigham pipe. So I decided to grab a gram or so of some cherry flavored tobacco and loved it.
I then went crazy googleing my ass off and found many website and got my learn now. Started with 2 briars and a corcob, then the next week another briar, and withing 2 or 3 months I had acquired over 9 pipes and holding. The wife has put a hold on the purchasing of new pipes for the past couple months, but since its been winter its no biggie.
Which reminds me worst part of being Canadian and a pipe smoker is the winter. We do not smoke in the house, I could get away with aromatics inside now and then but since she got pregant my pipe smoking has been put on hold until now, GOD I LOVE SPRING, and have I EVER missed smoking my pipe. Good to be back

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