New to the forum,and to pipe smoking!
I bought a starter kit online,of a 'basket' briar pipe,and a sample of four tobaccos. Found pipe smoking to be super relaxing and therapeutic. Very quickly bought an estate corn cob,and an estate Falcon
Welcome, noob! :nana: You've come to the right place. You'll find so much information here it can be overwhelming sometimes. But don't hesitate to ask questions.
Welcome. We all started somewhere. My first pipe was a cob and I nearly burned my face off freight training that bad boy until it and my face nearly burst in flames. Lol.
Stick with it. It is relaxing and rewarding.
There is a very steep learning curve, but it is well worth the journey. I've only been doing this for a few years myself. Lots of good info here, and lots of good folks.
There are no stupid questions!
Welcome to the forums Kirk. I too a noob...smoking for 8 months now. Often the topic starts with pipes or tobacco and turns to lighters, history, photography, tea, scotch, rumtopf, growing your own crop...the list goes on.
Thank you everyone for the warm welcome!
I've developed a theory over the years that you can tell a lot about a forum from the replays to your noob post. Looks like you guys rock!