Non-Briar Wood Pipe making me sick?

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Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 5, 2011
7 Handmade Wooden Smoking Pipes
Once again, sorry but I don't own a camera, but this auction is the pipe lot I bought that is in question.
The third from the left I smoked first, the result was that about a third into the pipe my jaw, my cheekbones, my throat, and my teeth all hurt. Slightly light-headed and the pain in my teeth is accompanied by a "coppery" taste. I also tried the one furthest on the right and it immediately had the same taste and made the pain a little more. . .settled in I suppose would be the best description. But on the other hand so did the cigarette I used in an attempt to get rid of the flavour.
Strangest thing, the rest of my body almost like it itches. ... And my limbs feel 'weak', hard to control, a bit like being drunk.
They are apparantly all either cherry, oak, linden or walnut and what I'm really wondering is which that third one from the left is -- and if anyone knows if its possible to be allergic to it.
My first thought was the take out the metal inlay that's there to protect the bowl. . .but of course that blackish one I'm talking about is the only one that didn't have any metal inside.
The inner bowl was a little frayed as well, and now its not -- so maybe it was just literally smoking some of that wood that caused the problem -- but I'm really wondering if I just need to throw this one out because it turns out I'm allergic, or if I shouldn't risk trying the other six again either and just try to get my money back.
Really hope it isn't the latter, but I actually have another set of these coming in from the same seller because they were cheap and I was hoping for some "okay" short-lived pipes for my rotation to give my 307 a break.



Part of the Furniture Now
Nov 16, 2010
i have a pipe made out of walnut. does not make me sick but tastes like crap.some woods are toxic.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 5, 2011
Just tested one of the others against my better judgement, seems at the least it isn't all of them.
Hopings its just that one, and it may just be the bits of wood frayed off in the inside of the bowl the first time.



Oct 20, 2010
The red one might be cherry, but more likely it is stained reddish. Google says cherry leaves might be toxic to deer. The wood is not. There are several exotic red woods. I assume all exotic woods are dangerous, like I assume all snakes are poinsonous, until proven otherwises. If you are reacting to the pipe, I guess the problem is in the finish. Could the tobacco be contaminated? Eat any old pizza today?
FYI, apparently Linden is basswood. This wood is slightly toxic for respiratory problems. I found this link that talks about toxic wood.
Hope you feel better. If you have concerns, consult a doctor. Take the pipe and tobacco with you to help identify the problem.



Mar 9, 2010
Some of those pipes have a tin lining. Take it out and pitch if if so. No telling what it was before it was put in the pipe. They will smoke hot and metallic if they are left in.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 5, 2011
I broke one of the pipes trying to get the metal out....*laughs* I shoulda given up



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 5, 2011
Strangest bloody thing....It wasn't the pipe.
I put in a bowl of Anniversary Kake in my Peterson 307 since I didn't get a real good taste of it in the 'problem pipe'. .. . or so I thought. . .. Now this was after having a bowl of Irish Creme in a clay no problem mind -- and in a few seconds it was that coppery/sensitive/sore thing all over again.
I have -no- idea why, but its the bloody tobacco 8O . I hadn't even considered it to be honest. My first thought was that I had smoked a pipe that was purely for looks and not suited for smoking. . . then that I had an allergy to the wood -- it didn't even occur to me it might be the tobacco but damned if it isn't.
Now I've got a good 8 ounces of tobacco I can't smoke -- I assume its just me or it wouldn't be for sale for very long. . .then again nobody seems to have anything good to say about mixture 79 or whatever it was so maybe not. . .heh heh.
NEver had this happen with -any- kind of tobacco though....strange indeed.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 29, 2010
I assume its just me or it wouldn't be for sale for very long
Yoru,....for what it's worth, I smoke it all the time, it's one of my favorites.

You might contact the vendor and ask if anyone else has reported a problem with that batch. That's a shame.



Oct 20, 2010
Thats the Sherlock Holmes method of investigation. Elimnate the impossible and whatever is left, dispite how improbable, is the answer. But I suggest trying the tobacco again in a couple days after a rest. Is the a brand new container of tobacco? It might be just that can.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 5, 2011
8oz baggie -- even if it is just the "can" the whole thing's a wash. Plan on contacting P&C on if they've had any other problems with it recently (batch problem).
And Tommy I had you in mind when I was writing that -- I remembered vaguely some fondness when you mentioned it on the "now Smoking" thread. Or some seeming fondness, this is the internet and I have an active imagination for a bloke my age.
But yeah, always follow the law of Mr. Holmes. No matter what remains after you've eliminated the impossible, must be the truth. That little number had gotten me through any number of multiple-choice exams when I decided to skip a few days (weeks) of classes and rely on only the knowledge in my own head to get me through. With a high "C" to a mid-"B", but hey, it beats going to class.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 5, 2011
Just heard back from P&C -- Gentleman by the name of Russ (god it feels weird to put gentleman in front of that name -- long story but trust me on it) said there were no other complaints of the nature, and even tried a bit on hand himself for the benefit of science (colourful reasoning added by me).
The possibility of food or pipe contamination was offered, and if he only knew my initial reaction I think he'd believe I covered that heh heh. Anyway he offered the rescind address and I'll be shipping it back to him with the promise of replacement tobacco.
Just updating so people know that P&C run a good show -- although I think we all already know this.
I hope they dun question the fact it'll be coming back in a different bag -- since I'd already jarred the stuff and tossed the one it came in by the time I bothered to actually try it.



Mar 9, 2010
The folks there are at the top in good customer service. I got a mix up in an order some time back. As the tobacco that was sent by mistake was something I like and the same price I decided to keep it. I gave them a call so that they wouldn't get inventory all messed up and they were amazed that I would take the time to do that. Nice folks indeed.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 5, 2011
yeah, oldmaus' thread gave me a better idea than sending it back (I was going to ask for their "best of the rest" factory leavings because I really don't mind and don't want to muss them about something not their fault) --- nothing is wrong with it so why not let you blokes ask for it in exchange for whatever you've got laying around you dun like.

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