I can dig it. I chewed from the time I was 12 when I started with Redman or other leaf chew to Skoal then old brother Cope, habitually from 1981 til about 2001. And I mean habit.
Personally, I have not had a dip since the end of 2001, but it was not until a very close friend had a near cancerous experience that swore me off.
On that day, my maker and I had a conversation and there were some promises made, but I've been true. Sure, I've smoked cigarettes, pipes and cigars to allay the urge, but it was a strong pull. As a matter of fact, I dream about it some times and find myself running my tongue along my "dipping spots" and it's been hard, but possible. On top of it all, I've been free of cigarettes for the last five years, and that's also been a feat.
In the field, it was almost second nature since the dipping helped me to stay on point when others were fading and after I quit, running patrols or shooting at the range made it the hardest to time to fight the urge. It was not until I went cold turkey for eight months with no tobacco at all that I was able to pick up a pipe again without worry of a relapse.
I bet you could poll all those out there who dipped, and asked if they had a choice, and if the Great Creator came to them and assured a long life in spite of dipping,I bet they'd be quick to dip until the last days. But since it was so hard to quit, and reality being what it is, I fear and abhor a relapse because I never want to go through anything like that again; the quitting. It was rough.
Pipes keep it all in perspective. I enjoy nicotine, but after much effort and a lot of discipline, I have become the master and it's rare that I go out of my way for a pipe; it's just not the same as a cigarette or ever close to the flood of nicotine experienced from dip .
Good luck to you. Only you can's hard, but keep up the quitting and every day, it becomes a little bit easier and a little bit easier, and a little bit easier, and a little...