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Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 10, 2010
I am 38 and just started with a pipe back in august. I have never ever smoked anything in my life. Well around here all i got are the little tobacco shops that cater to the cigarette smokers.
Well i found a pipe shop in Little Rock, and I have been going there about once a month. I started smoking the Wilshire, and the Black Velvet and thought i really liked those. This weekend my dad and I went back to Little Rock so i could get some more Wilshire, and picked up some Midnight.
Man, I actually CRAVE! this stuff. I have no clue whats in it, i believe it is a Virginia but man It is great!
Anyone here ever tried this and can tell me anymore about it?
Oh and thanks for having me here, I am sure I will learn a lot.



Dec 14, 2009
Birmingham, AL
Welcome bogie, we're glad to have you aboard.

I haven't tried Midnight.

Do you know who blends it?

Is it bulk tobacco, or does it come in a tin?
I am assuming you have been frequenting a "Tinder Box".

Wilshire is the name used by the "Tinder Box" for Lane 1Q.

Can you give another hint?... Please.... :D



Jul 13, 2010
Welcome bogie. It may be either BCA or 1Q that this "Midnight" is. Many B&Ms have their own name for both of these blends. Next time you are at the shop, you should ask them questions about this blend to see if it is actually one or the other.



Nov 19, 2009
Chicago, IL
I'm a tobacco whore. Have been all my life.

Fall in love with every new blend I smoke.

Always change because I itch for "strange." (IYKWIM)

I sample a blend, convinced that this one's forever.

I buy a pound; jar it, cellar it, and move on to the next "itch." (You supply the "B")
Welcome to the fraternity Bogie.

Sounds like you're gonna be a tobacco whore too! :lol:
Forgive my crude tone. I'm usually more congenial. Igloo has been a bad influence on me.

The tobacconist in my home town

They call the B & M.

It's been the ruin of many a poor boy

And me, oh god, I'm a-one. ♪♫
...This is the "What are you smoking" thread, right?



Jan 17, 2010
woodlands tx
Poor Cortez always blaming his short comings on me . Forgive him the chemicals in the PA and the cold wheather have frozen his brain cells . But alas he is right .I am glad you have found a blend that you enjoy .



Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 10, 2010
It doesnt come in a tin. They have tons of baccy in these glass jars out where everyone cant get to them. If you bring your pipe they encourage you to just reach in grab a bowl full and light up.
If im not mistaken he said it was a Virginia Tobacco. Like I said im a a newbie. Btw what does B&M mean?



Jul 30, 2010
Norman, Oklahoma
Bogie, if it was a Tinderbox that you go to then the Midnight is Black Cavendish tobacco. Which is as far as I know a bunch of different fire-cured tobaccos. Was the tobacco you smoked all black?



Dec 14, 2009
Birmingham, AL
I would not doubt "Midnight" is Lane BCA
That's what I thought as well.
Ain't it fun to stick your nose in those jars and get a good whiff....
But, then it's hard not to stick a crowbar in the old wallet and spring for a pound of that which makes you drool the most.




Can't Leave
Nov 14, 2010
I wish I had a B&M near me. I take it TinderBox is a national chain? I love 1Q I will have to try the BCA/Midnight.



Dec 14, 2009
Birmingham, AL
I take it TinderBox is a national chain?
Yes, If you look them up they are actually called "Tinder Box International" and they look to have around 45 locations in the States.
There were two here in Birmingham at one time. My local B&M actually started out as one back in the 70's. But has been "The Briary" for many years.
I hold no ill will towards the Tinder Box because that's where I bought my first pipe.

You might say they have been a part of the family for many years. When Skip's father still owned the Tinder Box and had just installed some beautiful Hunter Green Carpet in the store the War Department and I visited to show off our beautiful baby girl, Crystal. (Crystal is expecting in May... Damn I'm getting old.)

So, being Crystal, she did something that is fondly remembered by all at "The Briary" till this day. She threw up on the carpet. :? And they don't let her forget it. :D



Nov 19, 2009
Chicago, IL
Nice memory Lawrence. When I first started smoking, in the late 60's, Tinder Box was extremely popular because they situated primarily in suburban malls.
I haven't been to one in years, but even through the 70's they carried some very nice pipes. I think they had a deal with Snug Harbour or Lane Ltd., or both, to import some pretty nice stuff -- especially Danish freehands.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 29, 2010
I guess a lot of us have used Tinder Box at some point in our lives. I remember the first one I saw was in a brand new mall back in the seventies,....I went in and fell in love. (I was young, what can I say?).

It's be gone for decades but I found another Tinder Box downtown and over the last 30 years have bought many boxes of cigars, hundreds of singles at lunchtime, 3 or 4 pipes, (one meerschaum I love dearly), and pounds of pipe tobacco there.

I loved the place,.....until my first spin around the internet a few years ago.

Since then...I only swing by in case of emergency.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 6, 2010
I've gotten some excellent vintage Tinder Box pipes on ebay at very reasonable prices. Even their average pipes were good, but many were made by high-end carvers. I've got 2 Armellini-made ones that are first rate. If you take the time to look closely, you can get some great bargains since they usually don't bring high prices.



Mar 9, 2010
There used to be a Tinder Box in about every major mall. They have really pulled back in the last fifteen years or so. I have several of their pipes. All made by major manufacturers .



Dec 14, 2009
Birmingham, AL
I have several of their pipes. All made by major manufacturers .

Me too Arthur.

Royal Coachman

All of my Meers; Mini Sherlock and Watson, both Gourd Calabashes, Egg & Claw



3 Churchwardens

.... That's what I can remember right now.



Can't Leave
Aug 4, 2010
Little Rock
Bogie, you and I visit the same tobacco shop. When I was working, I worked about 10 minutes away from that shop, near downtown Little Rock. I also love the Midnight blend. It is one of my favorites, next to Wilshire. I have found that it can be slightly moist so I let it air out for a while then store it in a small Mason jar.

Hey, those guys in that shop are super nice. I always get the help I need when I'm in there. Maybe I will bump into you sometime.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 10, 2010
Yes the tobacco is all black. I live in Jonesboro,Ar and the Wolfechase mall in Memphis has a Tinderbox.
However there is a store in Little Rock called The Pipestore. Its family run and has been in the business for a very long time. This is where i got the baccy. And yes its awesome to go in there and just smell away lol. They made me feel very welcome.
When you go in there is a big round table, with a huge coffee pot, and they have free WI-FI, lots of folks were in there just a smoking away. I have never been in a pipe store and this was really neat, it may be that all pipe stores are that way.

The Tinder box were very helpful as well, made me feel at home and answered any questions i had. But its in the mall and no smoking at all, so the pipestore in Little rock seems to be more....well...catered to a pipesmokers needs as to where the tinderbox seems more like a retail outlet.
Well anyway, didnt mean to ramble on....been out splitting wood all day, and just now sat down to a good bowl of midnight, and gonna relax a bit.

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