Lock picking. Modified the lock. 5 pins were too hard. 3 pins were too easy. Not sure I'll go too 4 pins. Taking apart isn't bad, other than flying springs. But putting back is a pain. Set a routine on steps and finally getting comfortable.
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I know. I can pick 'em, but I can't run.Be sure and let us know when's visiting day, in case someone wants to bring you cigarettes.
I know. I can pick 'em, but I can't run.
@HeavyLeadBelly my trap and skeet peaked just after college, 25s from the hip were normal (in trap). Now trap is still ok but rarely 25, with skeet i'm lucky to to break 12 the last ten years or so.One of these years when I’m feeling more settled with all of my projects around the house I’d like to get into trap and skeet shooting. Loved shooting when I was younger but had too many other hobbies I spent money on over the years.
Man I almost forgot about bullet's love of skateboardingSkateboard getaway!