I realize there is a thread on this, but since it has drifted far off topic, I thought I would post this one.
I am also a member of STG's forum This Pipe Life, which was referenced early in the other thread. There has been further info.From Leonard at STG:
" regarding the factory news...
First, nothing will happen for almost a year.
Second, the move will have zero impact on blend availability. Everything made here will be made there.
Third, it will have no impact on pricing. Import duties are pretty minimal, and the costs of production will go down significantly (hence the rationale for the closing in Tucker).
Finally, due to the FDA, we have no choice but to ensure every molecule of the blends that are coming out of Denmark match what has been coming out of Tucker.
Not a fun day during the announcement, needless to say (especially after having 30 staples pulled out of my $&#!* ankle that same morning), but I do appreciate the fact that STG was very transparent with factory employees, essentially giving them a year head’s up that their jobs will ultimately go away.
In the end it’s about those employees, and the realities of having mutilple factories that can perform identical tasks. From a pipe smoker standpoint, there will be no impact."
Lane News
I am also a member of STG's forum This Pipe Life, which was referenced early in the other thread. There has been further info.From Leonard at STG:
" regarding the factory news...
First, nothing will happen for almost a year.
Second, the move will have zero impact on blend availability. Everything made here will be made there.
Third, it will have no impact on pricing. Import duties are pretty minimal, and the costs of production will go down significantly (hence the rationale for the closing in Tucker).
Finally, due to the FDA, we have no choice but to ensure every molecule of the blends that are coming out of Denmark match what has been coming out of Tucker.
Not a fun day during the announcement, needless to say (especially after having 30 staples pulled out of my $&#!* ankle that same morning), but I do appreciate the fact that STG was very transparent with factory employees, essentially giving them a year head’s up that their jobs will ultimately go away.
In the end it’s about those employees, and the realities of having mutilple factories that can perform identical tasks. From a pipe smoker standpoint, there will be no impact."
Lane News