My beautiful new Astley turned up last week and I wasted no time in loading it up with some "Pipeman" tobacco I got from one of the 2 pipe specialists in Sydney.
We are not really spoiled for choice here as far as pipe tobacco goes, most people here smoke generic cigarettes or roll their own ciggies.
I have been smoking the new pipe gently and have already purchased another no name pipe to use while I rest the good one.
As with most new smokers I am working out the best way to pack and light etc and so far I'm enjoying the experience a lot. Getting it right and tasting things like nuts and honey in the smoke is a real delight and I'm keen to try as many tobaccos as I can get my hands on. A 50 gram pouch here costs about $35-40 australian dollars which right now is about equal to the US dollar. Is that about what you pay in the USA for tobacco?
You definately have more choices there, I wonder if I can import the odd tin of something new and tasty without too much grief. probably not.
Anyway thanks to the people behind this forum for all the great advice and experience that newbies like me can benefit from.
I'm also finding it really hard not to buy too many pipes from ebay etc, I can easily see how people can end up with huge collections of beautiful pipes.
I could be hooked!