No offense, but if you interpreted the article as this publication fishing for people who want to be cool and telling them that pipe smoking would make them be cool, then you misinterpreted the article.
The article is for the Pipes Magazine audience. Only pipe smokers come to this site.
It was never intended to reel in "cool people" to convince them to be a pipe smoker.
I just thought it was interesting that Downey's portrayal of Holmes is so different, to the point that his character is not one that you would even expect to be smoking a pipe ... and there's one of the points of the article.
Who is the stereotypical pipe smoker?
There are many pipe smokers that are not the stereotypical pipe smoker, whatever, or whomever that is.
They're not all old men on a park bench, they are not all college professors. Some are leather-wearing Harley riders.
Superficiality and pretentiousness were certainly not intended, but the article was also not meant to be too serious.
It was supposed to be fun.
Thank you for saying that Pipes Magazine is a "serious and respectable site". I really do appreciate that, and it makes me feel good.
However, our mission goes beyond "serious and respectable".
There are many purposes to the content we produce and publish, which include to; inform, advise, provide news, support the hobby, and to
entertain. This site is in the entertainment business without a a doubt. The micro-niche we target is obviously pipe smokers, but the broadest category we also fit into within the publishing world is "Men's Interest / Men's Entertainment".
When it comes to business, I am as serious as they come. However, I never take
myself too seriously, and part of the enjoyment of life is to have fun every day.
I think you took the article too serious.
Ethan wrote it, but I titled and sub-titled it. I think the title and sub-title is what bothers you the most ... that pipe smoking is being referred to as being cool.
Hey man, I'm 48-years old, and I'm sure that what
I think is cool is completely different than what a 22-year old thinks is cool.
"Cool" is relative. We don't have to get all bothered about it.
We have never, in any content ever published on this site, portrayed pipe smoking as a fad, so I'm not sure where you got that from.
We shouldn't advertise pipe smoking actively but provide interested people with advice and recommendations.
Who is "we"? Are you speaking for all pipe smokers? Are you representing this publication?
Either way, what is the reason that
we shouldn't "advertise" pipe smoking?
How did you interpret anything we do here as some kind of hard-core, hard-sell drug pusher tactic?
But then you revised this a little bit to say ...
Of course, our activity deserves to be put in a proper light, and I welcome advertisement, but not from us.
Ok, so now "advertising" pipe smoking is ok, "but not from us". Again, who is "us" and who put you in charge of "us"?
The good news is that there has never before in history been so many excellent pipes and tobaccos to choose from, and the other good news is that the pipe smoker market has been growing for the past few years.
We have a 38% increase in pipe smokers in the U.S. over the last 7 years, according to the survey results from the Center for Disease Control.
It would be bad news if it had been going in the opposite direction.
Less pipe smokers means less support for all the makers of pipes and tobaccos, which will then result in less choices for us.
But let's not "advertise" pipe smoking. Let's keep it a secret.
I don't get it.