I had one of my wife's friends run me around on some errands today as my Kawasaki is on the lift in the garage. When we were headed home, she asked me if smoking a pipe would save her money. I said it would. Then she asked if I recommended any particular tobacco she could start with. Told her to come inside the house and she could look at all my cellar, well what there is in my cellar, and pick out anything that caught her attention. She picked a local B&M Christmas blend I have. So, I load up a smaller bowled bent pipe and let her have at it. She only smoked about half the bowl. I told her to take the pipe home and finish the rest later and it would take time to get the hang of packing and keeping it lit.
Then, being the nice guy I am, sent her half of my bag of the blend home for later. And directed her here with any questions. Showed her where the video are for new smokers. Mentioned a cob might be a good back up starter pipe to help if she wants to smoke more varieties/more often.
Then, being the nice guy I am, sent her half of my bag of the blend home for later. And directed her here with any questions. Showed her where the video are for new smokers. Mentioned a cob might be a good back up starter pipe to help if she wants to smoke more varieties/more often.