Just wanted to show my new Peterson. I know all of you have seen them before. I've not smoked one though - it'll be new to me. Any comments on how to get the most from a PSystem pipe.
Smoke that sucker! If your experience is anything like mine, that 303 will get better with every smoke.Any comments on how to get the most from a PSystem pipe
I can only speak for my Donegal Rocky Pete. The rustication doesn't have sharp edges therefore it doesn't grab at whatever you're polishing it with.the edges all over the rustication tear the cloth apart. Do Peterson rusticated pipes also do this?
I find the paper towel to the reservoir :mrgreen: shortly after finishing a bowl to work better, every time I've left my System to dry on its' own it developed this sludge after the following smoke. I also learned over the short time I've been smoking them that bent P-lip stems like to be cleaned from the chamber end to the lip.The other is to not worry about the resaviour that collects liquid, if you try to remove the stem, then you end up getting the shank wet inside when you dry out that area with a pipe cleaner. I find it easier and better for the pipe to just let it dry normally with the stem on for a longer period than a normal briar dries out (a day is good)