So I purchased an inexpensive Muhsin Meerschaum Calabash. It was to be my dedicated aromatic pipe. I started smoking MacBaren 7 Seas Royal in said pipe. Smoked wonderfully until the 8th or 9th bowl. Then I started to get a taste and scent reminiscent of sulphur. I clean after every bowl with a cleaner down the stem and a doubled over cleaner around the inside of the bowl. I removed the stem after the pipe cooled to try and achieve a better clean but to no avail. The stem connects via a plastic insert into the shank. I wondered if products of combustion may have made their way between the plastic insert and the wall of the shank? If so, can one remove the plastic insert? Or any other thoughts as to what is causing the foul taste and odor? I am afraid that I have somehow ruined my pipe.