New Mario Grandi Pipe!

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Jul 30, 2010
Norman, Oklahoma
Hey guys, I just purchased a new Mario Grandi pipe off of ebay! I am super excited, but I have heard some horror stories about them. Anyone have a horror story, or a positive story about them?





Oct 2, 2010
That's one nice looking pipe, Bubba.....and au contrere!....I have heard many many good stories about Mario Grandi pipes... :puffy:



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 28, 2010
Looks awesome, I really dig the look of this pipe. It's similar to a Savinelli that I've been eyeing - their non-pareil series.



Part of the Furniture Now
Nov 5, 2009
I like it. Very nice pipe.
It seems that their pipe rotate quickly. I'll look at their store, not find anything I like and bam, one like that shows up. 8O Just timeing



Can't Leave
Dec 14, 2010
Nice pick up. Last time I checked, they had 100% positive feedback. What horror stories did you hear ?
My Grangi is a good smoker. The boys over in Italy sent it out quick, 3 day delivery to the U.S. No complaints.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 24, 2010
Portland, OR
Not counting my Aldo Pierluigi, I have six MG pipes. I have no regrets, just a little and occassional mild second guessing with respect to two which are a bit wild looking for my taste -- I bought them because I thought they had beautiful grain. Some quantity of gin might also have been involved at the time of purchase.
It's been a while, but I recall that they were, all but one, a little slow breaking in.
I also bought my pipe cabinet from them a few years back, a decision I am still happy about.



Jan 1, 2011
I have almost pulled the trigger a couple of times on a Mario Grandi. Probably should have, maybe Gin would have help me. :D



Jan 19, 2011
I bought on just's my thoughts on it, reposted from another forum...
Ok, I had my inaugural smoke and have to say my initial impression is pretty good. But then, it's my first "good" pipe and chances are unless it was a total turd I'd like it, right?
What impresses me the most is the comfort of the pipe and the stem in particular. From reading reviews it seemed the overall knock on the Mario Grandi pipes were their stems, but that's certainly not the case in the one I got. For starters, the tenon fits the mortise just comes on and off with ease, yet forms a good seal. I can put my palm over the chamber and when drawing on the pipe, there is no leakage anywhere. It is also very comfortable and fits very well in my teeth. For whatever reason, it's size and shape are just about perfect for me and it's very pleasing.
The pipe itself fits well in my hand and smokes very well. Being new, I still have a tendency to smoke a little hot, but this baby never become more than lukewarm at best and a 1/2 a bowl of PA lasted me a good 90 minutes before it was time to empty it out. Very enjoyable to the point that I don't even want to smoke any of my other pipes at this point.
So overall, I would definitely recommend that anyone considering a Mario Grandi go ahead an pull the trigger on one. It's a great pipe for the price. I still have my eye on that Peterson (or one like it) that I posted about a few replies back, but I fully intend on owning another Grandi at some time in the future.



Feb 1, 2010
The only horror story I've heard about them was about one guy recieved a funky looking pipe from them. It didn't have much grain and didn't really appear to be made of wood but he told his wife he was going out to the garage to try it anyways. Next thing you know, the wife hears a boom and looks outside, shocked to see that the garage is no longer there....nothing in sight but smouldering splinters of wood and her husbands leg still dressed in Dockers hanging from a tree. Turns out Mario got drunk one night while listening to Miles Davis Bitches Brew and accidently made a few pipes out of C4 he had stashed away from his military days. Other than that, I hear they are good smokers.



Jul 30, 2010
Norman, Oklahoma
@Puffintuff -Here are some of the videos that I saw. There were a few more but these are the ones that I could find...
Now most of these are people just finding things wrong with there pipes but it did scare me a little, of course not enough to keep me from getting one!! :lol:
@Everyone else - I am super excited, this was exactly the shape, color, and look I was going for and it just happened to be there!!! I can't wait to get it!



Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 24, 2010
Portland, OR
I bought my MGs in 06 or maybe 07, they'd just started, and I had no issues like those described in the videos. But even if I had, factoring in how well they smoke, how much I paid for them, the size of the briar block, and the quality of the grain, I'd probably not have complained too much. In fact, I probably wouldn't have even worried about a return; I think I'd just have stripped it, fixed it, and refinished it myself. We're talking about "Mario Grandi" not Claudio Cavicchi or Paolo Becker here. Spend that sort of money and there damn well better be serious quality control. Some pretty nice looking and massive MGs go for about what my local b&m charges for a little thin walled basket pipe. Even with the more expensive ones I don't think you can really lose. (except for the new production fiammatas-- which are grossly, and probably intentionally, overpriced)

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