I get salespeople knocking on my door, but only from time to time.
But I get sales crap in my mailbox at least three times a week. I don't want any of it and throw it away immediately. In fact, if someone spams me I never do business with them.
I get 2-4 robocalls a day, and these degenerates could give a f*ck whether my name is on any no call list. What works best is if I don't know the caller, I engage the call and immediately hangup.
I rarely get spammed by email as I'm careful about my main address. But I have two other email accounts that I use if the organization is suspect.
smokingpipes sends me their disgusting Christmas Cards, entirely besmirching the highest holy day in the West. We are the most capitalist society in the world and that has ever been. That system has destroyed the true message of Christmas which has nothing to do with materiality, yet in the West materiality has been made to be its its reason for being. Who taught us such a custom? the degenerates at the top who own the concerns that profit so handsomely, who control the media. Its very sad and despicable that not only Christmas but daily life has been defined by what we own and how much we earn.
smokingpipes called me to close a sale. I had called customer service about a $300.00 pipe but declined to buy. They called me back on entirely their own initiative to overcome my objections. Invasive greed.
Greed/fear greed/fear greed/fear
Greed/fear greed/fear greed/fear
Greed/fear greed/fear greed/fear
Greed/fear greed/fear greed/fear
Greed/fear greed/fear greed/fear
Greed/fear greed/fear greed/fear
Greed/fear greed/fear greed/fear
Greed/fear greed/fear greed/fear
So getting back to Iwan Ries catalog, I loathe it because it is just another instance of having sales crap rammed done my throat in what amounts to an onslaught everyday. Over f*cking money. I despise it.
I went to Atlanta last week, and on the 285 north corridor, where all the tech firms have their bright and shiny buildings, where the money is, there was one f*cked billboard after another, probably 200? messages drawing my eyes in a 15 mile stretch. I can just hear the beaners, "Well, everyday 10K people making $50K+ will see the ad. We'll pay this for the rent and this for our fancy ad and we'll make $100K. It's a go!" The problem is that its an assault and that although being poor sucks, all we need is sufficient money. For the West, especially ultra-capitalist America, to define human life or the good as material is a fundamental distortion of human life. And I despise it.
For all the people that I will piss off with this post, I apologize in advance. YMMV, and if it does and you want to post about what a beaner I am, please do, but if so you should know that I regard the matter finished.