Putting in a good word for Mark Tinsky seems like a suitable reason for a first post here. I've never bought a pipe from him, although I've seen and greatly admire his work. I have bought a fair amount of briar from him. Mark Tinsky treats fellow pipemakers -- his competition -- with professionalism and what can only be described as kindness and open friendliness. If he treats his competitors so well, I find it difficult to believe he'd treat his pipe buyers any differently. I'd feel perfectly comfortable sending $1,000 cash to him through the mail, knowing I'd get exactly what I'd paid for, and very often, more. Tinsky ranks right up there with Steve Norse in the all-around-super-decent-guy and top-notch-customer-service categories.
By the way, hello. My name's Reuven. I've been reading here for a long while, and decided to join after getting to know layinpipe online. I've been smoking pipes since four or five years before I was bar mitvah'd, thanks to an indulgent, insistent great grandfather ("C'mon, boy, c'mon! How else you gonna learna be a mensch?"). His technique -- and the accompanying words -- for starting me with a pipe was about the same as when he taught me to swim by kicking me off an industrial pier at L.A. Harbor. To this day, every time I start something new, I hear his voice in my head, "C'mon, boy, c'mon! How else ..."