For all of you who hasn't interfaced with Larry, he is the salt of the Earth. We set a price on the Grade, Me to him I like Big pipes #6 or Better, Larry, yea I can do that No extra charge, Bakelite stem , which I did not go with but when asked Yea I can do that no extra charge, Yea , he is a down to Earth approachable guy. Loves La Hot Sauce, got him away from that Tobbasco sauce to what the Cajuns use Crystal Hot sauce, he liked it so much he bought a case. His work is not cheap, but I didn't expect cheap. If I like the Smokeability, there is a Big Canadian in my future . I have to laugh at how I got one so fast, told him I was a 71 yr old fart and waiting lists I had no time for, he graisouslly replied I will make you a pipe. Thank You Larry.