I recently took advantage of the Peter Stokkebye sale by deepening the LBF pile and also trying some Twist Flake for the first time.
Both went straight to the jars. I was deliberating which pipe to sacrifice to the aro gods, leaning towards a cob. I generally stick to the non aro's but decided to branch out on Duane's endorsement.
Soon thereafter, my fancy Hilson "Cow Bell" estate pipe arrived.
It had a lightly sweet ghost that I immediately attacked with some Picayune. After that first smoke, during clean up, I took another whiff of the bowl. My remaining brain cells said, "I know that smell." After ruling out the various cleaning fluids, I grabbed the LTF jar and cracked it open.
A match, as far as I can tell! Some old sod had the foresight and consideration to break in this briar with the very leaf I'm about to try. This pipe smoking community really is amazing! :worship: :rofl:
Well, if it's not LTF, it's certainly close enough for government work, as we used to say.
BTW, Cap'n, I'm on my 2nd bowl and I'm enjoying it. Thanks.
Anyone else encountered "friendly ghosts"?
Both went straight to the jars. I was deliberating which pipe to sacrifice to the aro gods, leaning towards a cob. I generally stick to the non aro's but decided to branch out on Duane's endorsement.
Soon thereafter, my fancy Hilson "Cow Bell" estate pipe arrived.
It had a lightly sweet ghost that I immediately attacked with some Picayune. After that first smoke, during clean up, I took another whiff of the bowl. My remaining brain cells said, "I know that smell." After ruling out the various cleaning fluids, I grabbed the LTF jar and cracked it open.
A match, as far as I can tell! Some old sod had the foresight and consideration to break in this briar with the very leaf I'm about to try. This pipe smoking community really is amazing! :worship: :rofl:
Well, if it's not LTF, it's certainly close enough for government work, as we used to say.
BTW, Cap'n, I'm on my 2nd bowl and I'm enjoying it. Thanks.
Anyone else encountered "friendly ghosts"?