My Loss

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Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 11, 2012
As some of you know this radio hobby has eaten into a lot of my time and I haven't posted a heck of a lot lately. I'm going to be gone for several days, maybe a bit longer depending on how things work out.
My sister was diagnosed with colon cancer almost a year and a half ago...IVth stage. They put her on chemo for several months and found she also had a lot of tumors in her liver so they stopped the chemo and began a treatment of SirSpheres which is tens of thousands of microscopic radiation pellets injected into the liver. She developed pneumonia while in the hospital and an intestinal bacterial infection. After the treatment she was put back on a different chemo as the other had caused neuropathy and a host of other problems.
She can't eat much at all due to it causing sores in her mouth and now fluid had developed in the abdominal area and lower extremities pushing upward causing shortness of breath due to the pressue on the diaphragm. This is a long one so I'll quit and get to the point. She told me a few days back she got the results from the recent CAT scan and they found a blood clot on her lung and put on on Lovenox which is a blood thinner you administer by needle in the stomach. She's gotten so weak and developed what is currently called "chemo brain" that she's disoriented and has little strength so, Hospice is coming out to help her with that.
Not being satisfied with the info she had given me and feeling she wasn't telling me all I called her doctor. I'm in TN and they are in NC but I found him and he actually called me back today. We talked about her condition and I asked why he took her off chemo and had Hospice coming out. He said the chemo was no longer doing any good and that she was terminally ill and had maybe two weeks to two months left. I felt like all the blood left me. She's not only my only sister but all I have left, except my dog, Bubba. Now it appears she'll be leaving me before or after the new year.
I'm going to NC in the morning and at the earliest will be back Sunday. It will probably be the last time I see her and it's hard to take. Whatever animosities or ill feelings you may have with a family member be it brother, sister, son or daughter try to make things right. They can be snatched from you overnight. We have been closer this past fifteen years that we've ever been. I haven't regretted once her coming to see me nor my trips down to see her.
Hold your loved ones tonight and tell them how you love them and cherish the moments spent with them as none of us can see tomorrow. If God decides to take her now, I hold no animosity toward Him. As it is written, "the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away...blessed be the name of the Lord". There is a time and a season for everything under the sun and that includes loving and death.
Those of you that are so inclined to prayer remember this situation and pray when she goes it will be painless and that I'll be able to endure my tragic loss. I'm already beginning to feel like an orphan and at this point nothing seems important or matters...not radios, not pipes-nothing. I just feel numb.



Jul 27, 2012
Colcolt - very sorry to hear about your sister, I can't even begin to imagine how difficult this must be.
Sending prayers and well wishes your way. We're hear for you.



Part of the Furniture Now
Colt, I'll send prayers up tonight. May the angel who takes her be swift of leg and sure of foot. When I smoke tonight you'll be in my thoughts and prayers, you won't endure alone so long as someone smokes with you.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 27, 2012
I have just offered up prayer for you and your sister. I pray that God is glorified by her life and your strength and that you both find peace, comfort, and rest in Him. God bless you both.



May 4, 2011
Sorry for your loss, colcolt. All you can do now is stay strong and be there for her now. You will both be in my mind when I smoke tonight as well.



Can't Leave
Sep 15, 2012
We're sending prayers your way for you and your sister. You're right, life is short, too short to hold grudges and animosity for the people closest to you.



Dec 28, 2011
Topeka, KS
Josh wrote:
"May the angel who takes her be swift of leg and sure of foot."
I, too, will say the same prayer in the hope that her suffering will soon be ended and that her last breath will be free of pain. Your presence will give her comfort, my friend, and I know that our God will give you strength for this ordeal.
You and yours will be in my prayers tonight and in my parish come Sunday morning.



Oct 6, 2009
I can relate to what you are feeling. There is sense of helplessness and hopelessness, when someone you love is dying from from cancer,and all you can do is watch and wait.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you.



Mar 30, 2012
I'm sorry to hear that my friend. Hopefully you will have a few good weeks to spend with her. I will pray for you and her both.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 30, 2012
So sorry to hear this... Prayers for you and your sister.. Stay strong for her.

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