My GBD Got an Upgrade

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Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
A few weeks ago, I laid my GBD military Dublin on the seat of the tractor as I was messing with the hitch, and unbeknownst to me it fell off the seat. I didn't realize until I heard a crunch under my foot, UGG! I broke the stem. Every time I have taken a broken stem to Skip, he has always told me, "tough luck, gotta buy a new pipe." He is a pipemaker, but says it's just not worth the money to get into repair work. I think he is like me and prefers working from imagination over the more dogmatic conditions of doing repairs.

But, he had given me this pipe as a gift, and even though I wasn't expecting him to break his "no repairs" rule, I took the pipe with me on my routine visit to The Briary. And, actually, I was surprised that he didn't just start showing me new pipes. He actually looked as sad as I felt when he saw it. He even suggested that he may have an old amber or acrylic military stem that might work. I just let him know that I would be happy with any stem, because the pipe was just a fantastic smoker.
He actually showed up at my house the next day, with a big grin on his face. "Cosmic, this is going to blow your mind! I couldn't find a stem worthy of this pipe, with the way the stem tapers... blah blah blah, so I made you a new one out of some brindled stock I had." I wasn't expecting that. What a great guy. So, now I have a brindled military stemmed Dublin. And, he made sure the new stem had the exact same draft size and everything, except the slot is much better. And, it smokes like a dream.
Anyways, I just thought I'd share that tidbit, as I pack her up with some Escudo and settle into my routine benchwork. Friends are great people.



Nov 3, 2013
In the sticks in Mississippi
What a nice surprise! I find that most folks involved in pipe smoking for any length of time are some of the nicest people around. I've never been to the Briary or met Skip, but I've heard nothing but good about him. We'll have to make the trip over there sometime. Oh, and great looking stem too!



Dec 14, 2015
Beautiful work! It's nice having a friend who can fix / improve a pipe! I, too, am lucky enough to have one. They are priceless!



Staff member
Jul 28, 2013
Wow he does beautiful work! It makes a great upgrade, but looks like it was supposed to have that stem to begin with!



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 23, 2015
Beautiful solution.
It strikes me that those in this profession or hobby appreciate the art behind a good pipe. Naturally somethings cannot be fixed, but the artist just can't let a feasible candidate go unloved.

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